Showing posts with label WordPress. Show all posts
Showing posts with label WordPress. Show all posts

Sunday, February 24, 2013

How to Create a Website with WordPress ?

How to Create a Website with WordPress ? Because of the way that is very easy and simple, WordPress is the favorite website tool for those who want to create a website using the WordPress platform. Here are some tips on how to create a website with WordPress. And there are more again about blog tips and tricks here.

So what should be required? At least you should have some tools as below :
  • Software XAMPP Lite.
  • The latest version of WordPress.
Then, what are the steps ? Consider the following ways.

First, you must download and install the software XAMMP lite. This software can be downloaded for free at Download and install the software onto your computer.

Second, we must have the latest version of WordPress. Back, this software can be downloaded and installed for free. Download the software at Download and install.

Third, after the download, install the software. Extract XAMPP lite on drive you want. If so, run XAMMP Control lite by clicking the start button. Wait until the script running.

Fourth, open your browser and go to this address http://localhost/. Select the language of instruction to be used. If everything is done correctly, it will show the words "Welcome to XAMPP Congratulations: You have successfully installed XAMMP on this system".

, click phpMyAdmin which is located on the left panel. Another way that can be done by using a browser and go to address http://localhost/phpmyadmin/. Create new database in the box enter a new name. Suppose the "experiment" and then click create.

Sixth, extract the WordPress files that have been downloaded earlier to drive C :/ xampplite / htdocs. Then change the name of the folder or create a new folder if no folder stanby. Likely "experiment".

, open your browser and type http://localhost/percobaan/ it will show a menu WordPress. Click create a configuration file. Then, it will show a new page and click lets go!. Then a window will appear which you should complete data. This form will contain the database name is (fill in accordance with the database that was created earlier, say the experiment), username (fill in the riot), password (blank), then click submit.

, then you will see a page that contains the last step again, the installation process. Click run the install. Fill in the title of the blog as well as your email address. Then click install WordPress.

Ninth, if all of them done properly, it will show a success writing. Remember username and passwords you use. Then click the sign. Fill in the username and password was. And the last step click login. Congratulations, you have WordPress installed on your computer.

With WordPress, you can blogging according to their individual needs. Whether it is appropriate hobby, activity, or hobby. However, not a few who use WordPress to run a business. As an online business.

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